Alphabet Soup: Using Credentials to Help Find the Right Therapist
Ph.D. denotes a doctoral degree in the field of study
L.P.C. Licensed Professional Counselor indicates
Ed.D Doctorate in Education
M.A. Master of Arts degree in field of study
L.C.S.W. Licensed Clinical Social Worker
L.M.F.T. Licensed Marriage and Family Counselor
M.D. Doctor of Medicine
P.A. Psychological Associate
LPCi Licensed Professional Counselor Intern
LPC-S Licensed Professional Counselor Supervisor
Psychologist-doctoral degree, licensed to practice psychology, psychological testing
Counselor-masters degree, licensed to practice counseling, psychotherapy, and limited testing, specializing in counseling psychology
Therapist-a general term for any type of non-physician mental health professional, but this term does not indicate training, degree, or licensure. It is wise check the credentials of any person who represents themselves a therapist. without listing their credentials and state license number.
Psychotherapist-interchangeable with “therapist”
Clinical Social Worker-master’s degree, licensed to practice counseling and psychotherapy in a clinical setting
Marriage and Family Therapist-master’s degree, licensed to practice family and marital counseling
Couples Counselor/Therapist-see Marriage and Family therapist
Play Therapist-masters or doctoral degree, licensed to provide counseling or psychotherapy , with specialized training in play therapy techniques
Psychiatrist-licensed physical, prescribes medication, usually does not provide therapy or counseling
Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner-licensed nurse, prescribes medication under physician supervision, usually does not provide psychotherapy or counseling
Personal Coach/Life Coach-does not require a license or college degree—may hold certifications from specialized training programs that vary in quality and rigor. Some licensed mental health professional s may provide coaching services , generally withing their scope of practice without specialized certifcation.